See also:

5th Convention of Services - Unity & Development of Northern Greece

5o Συνέδριο Υπηρεσιών - Ενότητας & Ανάπτυξης Βορείου Ελλάδος

5o Συνέδριο Υπηρεσιών - Ενότητας & Ανάπτυξης Βορείου Ελλάδος

5th Conference of Services - Unity & Development of Northern Greece

Hail, faithful servants and members of the Greek fraternity of Narcotics Anonymous!
The Unity & Development of Northern Greece invites you to its 5th Services Conference, which will take place on:
27-28 / April / 2024, in our service area Irene 4 Vardari. There will clearly be a hybrid connection and you are all our guests.
Our service conferences or learning days are a practical way to practice service attraction so that we can serve and through giving fulfill our primary purpose. So the addict doesn't die but has a chance to find what we found. Workshops, presentations, NA information, laughter and connection.
We will cooperate this year with the committees of all Greece - thank you for your willingness.
Attached below is the corresponding link, our Flyer and the program.
We are waiting for you all.
Unity & Development of Northern Greece,
With respect to the services and love to the newcomer.
ID : 882 1633 6639, PASSCODE : 123456